Monday, July 9, 2012

Week 4

This was a slower week because of the holiday mid-week. Dr. Lockshin and the majority of the attending Rheumatologists took the week off so I took advantage of the free time by reading papers related to the research project on collagen crosslinking that I am doing this summer and attending PICU rounds.

The PICU rounds were very interesting. At first it was rather daunting because there is a lot of vocab with which I am unfamiliar. But all in all, I understood for the most part what was going on. During the rounds, I noticed that mainly the patients were post-op patients recovering before discharge. One toddler was suffering from neuroblastoma. They were currently trying to ween him off his respirator, but he went into respiratory distress and they had to return his respirator settings to where they were previously. One teenage girl was extubated while I was there. Also, one of the male teenage patients had just undergone emboli surgery in preparation for removal of a hematoma. I am hoping to be able to spend some more time in the ICUs, particularly neonatal and medical before my time here is over.

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